
Bandcamp 1

Little Stevens Blues School bandcamp 1 unites students from all over the country at Heddal high school. 

Band Camp 1:
Target group: 13 – 18 years
Place: Heddal secondary school, Notodden, Norway
Dates 2024: 29 July - 3 August
Number of participants: approx. 40
Course fee: NOK 3,500

The seminar is organized at Heddal secondary school. There, all the participants play, sleep and eat together all week. Interaction is the cornerstone of the scheme. The participants are divided into bands and work on arranging songs, songwriting, digital tools and genre knowledge. You will also get to work in the legendary Juke Joint Studio during your stay. You can get some individual guidance if you wish. During the week, we will be visited by some of the festival's artists, and we will go into the city to experience one of the big festival concerts. The seminar ends with a concert on the live stage in Bok & Blueshuset on Saturday morning before returning home.



Applications for participation are to be considered binding regardless of application processing.